You have the makings of a champion when… #1. You keep pushing yourself when everyone else is done. Ordinary people do not push themselves. They prefer to stay in…
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What if all your doubts are fakes?
No one wants to fail. No one wants to be abused. No one wants to create a mess. No one wants to get heartbroken. No one wants to take bad…
The Most Powerful Survival Skill in the World
Viktor Frankl – Psychologist Thomas Edison – Inventor Neil Armstrong – Astronaut Nelson Mandela – Politics J.K Rowling – Author Steve Jobs – Bussiness Leader Howard Shultz – Business Leader…
12 Life lessons from my garden…
1. Be prepared to get your hands dirty. Enjoy. Play in the dirt. 2. Don’t just keep weeding and pointing out what is bad. Replace it with something that…
Start, Camera, Action!
You must have heard these words when actors and actresses are about to give their shot. The Director of the movie calls out these words and the performers know it…
10 negative tells of Unreliable people
In continuation of the last LSI, here are 10 habits that unreliable people have. I am sure, you have none of them. Unreliable people… 1. Promise but do…
10 positive pointers often found in Reliable people
Everyone in the world loves to relate to reliable people. You do. I do, everyone does. So the question is how to find out if someone is reliable or…
Padma Shri for agriculture at the age of 105…
Here is Coimbatore grandma R Pappammal, an organic farmer getting one of the highest civilian honors in India. She owns a 2.5-acre farm in her village, and in the…
Is it possible to classify conflicts as ‘positive conflicts’?
Conflict is often something that we try to avoid. It is often viewed as… 1. Hostile, 2. Frustrating, 3. Negative, 4. Uncomfortable, 5. ‘Win or lose’ in its outcomes….
5 Interesting Stories that will make you think
1. Walking down the street… There was a stone. I did not notice it. I hit it and stumbled. Ouch! It hurt! I cribbed. I cursed. I complained. 2….