Have you ever been to a restaurant, looked at the menu, and felt unsure about what to order?


Have you ever opened your cupboard, looked at your clothes, and felt unsure about what to wear?


Have you ever held the remote in your hands, looked at the screen, and wondered what to watch?


Well, do not fret if your answer is a YES to the above questions. You share a common trait with more than 81% of humanity.


Even when it is simple things, most people find decision-making to be confusing and tiring. When it is a BIG decision, people feel palpable nervousness and anxiety too.


Here is a solution. Answer the following 4 questions and the answers will lead to easy decision-making. Read on.


1. “What do I want?” – We define our goals by contemplating this question. If I know what I want, decision-making becomes easy. For eg, if I know I want to eat South Indian food, or I want to watch a thriller, or I want to wear casuals, decision-making becomes easy.


2. “Why do I want it?”- We clarify our values and emotional needs by pursuing this question. I want to feel the excitement, I wish to feel relaxed, I want to feel nourished, which helps me to narrow down my options and decide better.


3. “How will I get it?”- We craft a strategy by answering this question. This makes me realize if it is going to be an easy journey or a tough one, do I have the resources or will I need some help, should I go for it now or should I pursue it a little later.


4. “What will we do today?”- We START our journey by taking small steps. Today is the best day to take the first of many small steps.


The biggest decisions of your life as well as the smallest ones will be easy to take if you guide yourself through these 4 questions.


Would love to know your thoughts about these 4 Critical Questions! Would you like to add a question to this small list and make it better?


With love, prayers, and exceptional wishes,



Change your thoughts. Change your life


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