One evening Gautam Buddha was speaking to his disciples. This was his routine every evening sermon. After the sermon, as always, he said to his disciples, ”Now, go; and…
Posts Published byadminLS
Lesson from Kyoto – Why to Create Great Memories?
During the Second World War, America had a list of Japanese cities that they wanted to bomb. Kyoto was on that list. But that city was removed from that…
Our Mimetic Desires and How they IMPACT Us
Most of what we desire is mimetic (mi-met-ik) or imitative, not intrinsic. We want to buy an iPhone because so many people have it. We want to go on…
Why Am I Often Expecting The Worst?
“I notice a lump on my leg. It looks a little strange. Has it grown? Is it discoloured? I keep looking at it and wondering. I think it’s definitely grown…
Everybody makes mistakes. Not everybody knows how to respond to a mistake.
Is that the difference between a life well lived and a life lived in a well (remember the story of the frog in the well?). What has been my…
The Wolf, the Announcement, and the Hero
Just when life is going on smoothly, along comes a setback, a #pandemic, a huge numbing loss, a heartbreak. Just when our fairy tale seems poised to come true, a wolf…
Handling Difference of Opinion
Once Mahatma Gandhi was visiting Shanti Niketan, the abode of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore. At the end of the visit, before he left for Kolkata, he wrote in the visitor’s…
Fear of failing, rejection or making fools of ourselves.
We have fear of failing, rejection or making fools of ourselves. Solution: Most fears are born out of our imaginations and nurtured without any roots. It often has…
Did you know about the 4 major strengths to live a great life?
1. Problem-solving – Problems are always going to be there. Most in the world focus on problems. A rare few focus on solutions. These few who focus on ‘solving problems’,…
In pursuit of goals, how to overcome obstacles?
– You want to become a professional dancer, but your parents do not support you. – You want to become a celebrity chef but you do not have enough…