Often, a seller does a great presentation. And then, they fumble at the close.


All their efforts end in a zero. They deserve better.


They will improve their results significantly when they become great at closing a sales call.


Here is an interesting closing technique.




When the buyer’s heart is set on the product but they find it a little out of their budget.


The Life is Short close works like a charm in such scenarios.


Tell the prospect Life is short and we must make the most of it.


Tell them ‘today’ is the time to buy.


– This gold ring is priced a little higher than you wished for. However, life is short. If your heart is in it, buy it. It will be worth it.


– This shirt that you wish to buy is expensive at Rs 3,800/-. However, life is short. If your heart is in it, buy it. It will be worth it. You will look veeeeery handsome in it.


Follow #LSClosingTheSale to get weekly insights on the closing methods.


With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,



Change your thoughts. Change your life


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