Recently, I read that a delegation of Punjabi people in Dubai, met the Sheikh seeking permission to erect a Gurudwara. They expected some subsidy/facilities and were stunned by his generosity.


The Sheikh instantly offered 500 acres of land for the project for free. (wow!). This is where the Guru Nanak Darbar has been created with many world records to its credit.



The only condition was they should build a monument that would be so glorious that it will magnetize pilgrims from all over the globe. It had to become one more reason for people to visit Dubai. The simple vision of the Sheikh yet so remarkable isn’t it?



It is this remarkable attitude that has made remarkable things happen in Dubai.


– The tallest tower in the whole world
– The highest fountain in the whole world
– The biggest shopping mall in the whole world
– The biggest man-made island in the whole world,
– One of the biggest dry docks in the world, are all in Dubai.


What gets noticed, what makes a change, what will make things happen, what creates momentum, what gets talked about, what gets impossible things done, what inspires loyalty, what is in demand, what wins against odds, what creates history – are remarkable things and events.


Remarkable is an awesome word, worth making a remark about.


Commitment + courage + vision + character, brings in the remarkable. Their presence is compulsory to ‘be’ remarkable.


When you have them, in the worst of your times, you still believe in a glorious future.


Disappointments inspire you to higher levels of determination. In defeats you are graceful. In victories, you are grateful.


Let us NOT live an ordinary life. Let us begin by doing something remarkable TODAY. What do you say?


With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,



Change your thoughts. Change your life


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