It was an honour to meet her during our trip to Ahmedabad on Dec 4th. She made me think, am I willing to take bumps and bruises in my work? Those bumps and bruises will help me serve my clients better! What are your thoughts my dear friend?
Life School Message
“You have six months to make a difference”.
They characterized this approach as searching for “a bright spot and then cloning it.” Rather than trying to fix what’s wrong, it’s easier to scale what’s going right.
How are you? Fine. Really?
Doesn’t the word ‘fine’ remind you of the penalty you were FINED for, when you were caught in a traffic violation or the amount you paid for delay in fee submission or the money you were asked to cough up for various reasons leading to complete discomfort.
The most powerful weapon in the world…
It is not the resources we have but the stories we tell ourselves that makes our life, brakes our life or breaks our life.
The love in Jo’s bitten apple
No matter who I am, how experienced I am, and how knowledgeable I think I am, I should avoid rushing to judgements.
The Lions Who Were Hunted By The Dogs
“I am born to be a king. However, if I do not use my inner powers, even insignificant issues will destroy me”.
Did You Know About The Best Painting For PEACE?
Because peace doesn’t mean to be in a calm, unruffled place with no noise, no trouble, no worry.Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm like the mother bird.
Have You Read The Story Of Nadia Murad?
May god bless the carpenters who laid their lives on line to save an abused child. While Nadia is the spoken and recognized heroine of the story, they are the unspoken and unrecognized heroes of the story.
How To Build Genuine TRUST In Relationships?
When trust is present, there is strength, there is peace, there is transparency, there is love, there is creation.
The World Is Fickle Minded And Short Sighted Too.
Irrespective of what the world thinks of me, if I am fair in my dealings, if I am focusing on improving myself, if I have the ability to laugh at my mistakes, I am standing on solid grounds.