Dearest Darling Friends,


A Warrior’s Commandments:


Unfair life – Things aren’t always fair in the world. Things aren’t always going to go your way. Warriors believe in living life to the fullest anyway.


Gratitude – Despite all they can complain about, all they can get bitter over, despite unfair things that have happened to them, they count their blessings every day. They firmly believe God has been kind to them.


Control – Warriors do not ‘worry’ about winning or losing. They stay focused on what they can do and do it to 100%.


Motivation – They use negatives in their life as their biggest motivation. Tough times never last and warriors recognize that.


Commitment – They do not measure success by the final scores. They measure success by the commitment they put into the task at hand.


Negative people – They ignore the naysayers. Warriors, again and again, remind themselves of all the reasons their dreams can come true. They don’t let negativity rob their joy and love for their dream.


Mistakes – When they make mistakes, the Warriors own it instantly. They seek forgiveness. They focus on becoming better. They do not let ego become a barrier in life.


Dreaming big – They are not afraid of dreaming big, even though they must face fear, ridicule and failures. Warriors have a fire within to achieve.


Unstoppable – The only true failure is giving up. Warriors believe, each setback, each failure takes them closer and closer to their ultimate goal. Nothing can make them quit. They are unstoppable.


Inspired by the book ‘Think like a warrior’.


With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,




Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.


Life School Wow Parenting Keep Moving Movement

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