Dearest Darling Friends,


In the Mahabharata, during the war at Kurukshetra, Yudhishtira is forced to withdraw from the battlefield at one point. Arjuna follows his elder brother, to check on his well-being.


This annoys Yudhishtira, who would rather have Arjuna on the battlefield than in his tent. Arjuna gets upset when his elder brother mistakes his concern for cowardice.


Tempers flare. Words are exchanged.


Yudhishtira ends up insulting Gandiva, Arjuna’s bow.


Fearing that matters might escalate beyond a point of repair, Krishna intervenes. Yudhishtira regrets his harsh words. Arjuna regrets his rage. But then, Arjuna remembers a vow.


“I had sworn to kill anyone who insults Gandiva. Must I kill my elder brother now? And even thinking about killing my brother, I must kill myself too.” Arjuna moans.


That is when Krishna says, ‘You can kill without killing. Insulting your brother is as good as killing.’


Insult your brother and honour your vow.


1. The Power of Words: 
Words have immense power to hurt, even between loved ones. Yudhishtira’s insult towards Gandiva, which is essentially an extension of Arjuna himself, caused immense pain and anger. It highlights the importance of choosing our words carefully, especially in moments of tension.


(When you are tense, are you prone to insulting others)


2. Misunderstandings and Communication: 
The incident highlights the potential for misunderstandings, even between close brothers. Arjuna’s concern for his brother was misinterpreted as cowardice, leading to the escalation of emotions. Effective communication and a willingness to understand each other’s perspectives are crucial in such situations.


(Do you sometimes misunderstand other people’s intentions)


3. Importance of Creative Solutions:
In the epics, adhering to vows was paramount. However, Krishna’s solution highlights that blind adherence can sometimes lead to destructive consequences. Here, Krishna suggests a creative way to fulfil the vow (insulting Yudhishtira) without causing actual harm.


(When things are on a tight line, do you come up with creative solutions that de-escalates conflicts)


4. Destructive Power of Anger:
Anger, when unchecked, can cloud judgment and lead to rash decisions. Yudhishtira reacted impulsively due to anger. The incident highlights the importance of managing anger and finding healthy ways to express emotions.


(In anger, do you say things that hurt and create conflicts)


5. Role of Mediation:
 Krishna’s intervention as a mediator helped prevent a major conflict between the brothers. It emphasizes the value of having a calm and wise voice present to de-escalate situations and bring people back to reason.


(Do you play the role of Yudhishtira or Krishna often in life)


6. Regret and Forgiveness:
 After the emotional outbursts, both Yudhishtira and Arjuna regretted their actions. This shows the importance of acknowledging mistakes, seeking forgiveness, letting go and moving forward.


(Are you bogged down by a few past mistakes or have you moved on)


7.Ethical Dilemma: 
The final solution offered by Krishna, while creative, raises an ethical question. Is it okay to respond to an insult with another insult, even if it’s a symbolic one, to fulfil a vow? This aspect can be debated based on one’s own moral compass.


(How do you solve ethical dilemmas?)


Reflection on the story offers valuable lessons about communication, managing emotions, the power of words, and the importance of finding peaceful solutions to conflict.


It also sensitises me to the fact that, in life, we cannot avoid ethical dilemmas and must be ready to face them, solve them and live with them.


If the above story had not been reflected upon, it would have been yet another story from the treasure chest of mythology.


Every story of your life has so many insights. As we navigate the stormy seas and lose our way in the high seas of life, REFLECTION, becomes our guiding posts and keeps us on the right path.


Haha. What is your reflection on this LSM? Or, will it be just another piece of content that you will consume?


With love, prayers and best wishes,
Change your thoughts. Change your life.

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  1. Vikas Bhandari January 15, 2025 at 4:47 am

    Dear Naren,

    I am grateful for this post.
    Creativity is which I would like to possess.
    Ability to understand point of views is a powerful strength.
    Being compassionate towards oneself and others is a great asset.
    Love you

  2. vibha pandey January 15, 2025 at 5:00 am

    Very beautiful story and moral also. You are correct sir .
    So many times we do violence, not by action but by and with our words.
    Words are the root cause of our misunderstanding and differences.
    Solution of Ethical dilemma as said by Krishna is really an aspect if debate.

  3. Pavani Likhite January 27, 2025 at 7:16 am

    Dear Naren, Not all of us can fork out an insult for another, that too in retaliation to an elder in the family. A great lesson that merits more pondering!

    Thank you


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