Last evening, on listening to the news of lockdown, I was morose and upset 😠.
I had glorious plans for the week. All of it was now impossible. Had no one to blame 😢 hence morose.
I was aware of my feelings. Was feeling this way after yeaaaaaaaars. Went to bed still feeling morose.
After drinking my magic potion in the morning (hot cup ☕️ of adrak wali chai) made by my darling wife, Mr Morose left me.
In the afternoon, in a conversation with dynamic Alok Kale, we realised this lockdown might last for AT LEAST 3 weeks.
A thought 💭 dawned.
Assuming this lockdown extends to 3 weeks, what can I do to make it a Blessing in Disguise?
1. I have decided to network during this lockdown to create a collaboration network to reach 3,00,000 + students this year in KMM.
2. Do my research and create extraordinary sessions for KMM that are technologically MAGICAL.
More details later.
Meanwhile, right now, I am asking you the same question.
What can YOU do to make this lockdown a Blessing in disguise?
Do not allow Mr Morose to enter into you. He is completely useless. He will do his best but I know you are MY LIFE SCHOOLER.
You will DEFEAT Mr Morose.
You will DEFEAT Mr Morose.
Arre haan, if you need help, drink a cup of garam garam, adrak wali chai ☕️ and let’s ROCK this lockdown.
With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,
As I live…I learn
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