Life Coaching

Life School has developed different motivational programs to help people live, love and learn.

Let’s Explore

Alter your life for the better by enrolling in the inspirational life coaching “let’s explore” program by Naren Goidani that inspires potential and ignites transformation.

Wow Parenting

The objective is to provide parenting guidance so as to help you fulfill your goals as a parent and enable you to unlock your child’s potential by giving you the right guidance.

Sacred Space

SACRED SPACE is a spiritual retreat where time stands still and everything is beautiful.

Made for Each Other

Are you a married couple struggling or one that wants a jump-start or re-alignment of their relationship? We have just the marriage mentoring program for you!

What’s your Excuse?

Minimize the effects of hedonistic adaptation on happiness and defeat it right down to the wire with the “What’s your Excuse” Program.

Youth Mentoring

Life School has developed different motivational programs to help people live, love and learn.

Dancing with Tigers

Dancing with Tigers is a life skills and mentoring program for youngsters. It fills them with self-belief and helps them unleash their potential by learning how to create Winning Habits and a ‘I Can’ approach to life.


Few sights regale the soul more than seeing a gas balloon happily dancing its way to the top, defying gravity that is supposed to make it stay close to the earth.

Business Coaching

Our mission statement is ‘Lets Inspire’. Here is a little ‘WHY’ behind it.


A business mentor works for your business the way a personal fitness trainer works for your body. That is why all successful businessmen seek a personal business coach.

Mentor +

BDC – Welcome to Business Development (Corporate) program by Life School. We are delighted to have you as a part of this classy, impactful program.

Waah Ustaad

Waah Ustaad is a mind-blowing sales training program that has produced amazing results for 1000s of participants.

Marketing Masterclass

Whether you are a first-time entrepreneur or have a life story packed with big successes, some tools in your marketing toolbox need to be thrown away and some fabulous new ones need to be acquired urgently.

Corporate training

Our mission statement is ‘Lets Inspire’. Here is a little ‘WHY’ behind it.

Business Development Corporate Program

Business Development Corporate program (BDC) is an intense program that requires vision, commitment and courage from the business owner to transform themselves, their people and then transform their organization.

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