BDC – Welcome to Business Development Corporate program by Life School. We are delighted to have you as a part of this classy, impactful program.
What is BDC (Business Development Corporate Program)?
Business Development Corporate program (BDC) is an intense program that requires vision, commitment and courage from the business owner to transform themselves, their people and then transform their organization.This program supports leaders in 7 ways:
- By helping them navigate through change.
- Manage transitions.
- Handle business challenges.
- Build team spirit.
- Create a compelling vision.
- Stay focused on important goals and priorities.
- Being a sounding board to the business leaders.
Business leaders are often expected to have coaching as a part of their leadership repertoire. However, being in a leadership position and coaching managers into leaders are two different ball games.
A great player is rarely an equally good business coach. A great actor is rarely an exceptional director. A great doctor is rarely a great hospital owner.
Individual brilliance is not equal to or enough to drive team performance. There is a burning need for coaching to coach individuals to improve performance. Business Development (Corporate) program promises to do that with you.
We are often asked should there be an internal business coach or an external one?
Here are the top 10 reasons why an organization should go for an external business coach:
- An external business coach is unaffected by company politics or culture.
- This makes the coachees open up honestly while discussing deeply personal and sometimes complicated issues.
- This openness of the relationship usually leads to significant performance results in a short span of time.
- An external business coach brings in special skill and wide experience.
- An external business coach has no distractions from other responsibilities within the organization.
- An external business coach offers sensitive feedback without hesitation. This is super crucial to performance improvement.
- An external business coach does not view situations exclusively through the company’s ‘point of view’. Nor does he do things to appease the boss.
- An external business coach knows how the business world works and that any challenges the coachee or the company are experiencing are not unique to them.
- An external business coach can function without fear or prejudice.
- Finally, an external coach has the ability to deliver a strong dose of reality. They help their coachees overcome personal limitations and personal biases that they cannot see and therefore cannot overcome.
If the above reasons don’t convince you enough, here are some other crucial reasons why your company needs a business development program like BDC.
- Allows you to invest in your company’s greatest resource – the employees.
- Develop their talents contributing to a significant growth in innovation.
- Shows your support for the interest, development and concern for your employees potential.
- High job satisfaction and thus money saved on hiring new employees.
- More engaged workforce.
If you wish to take advantage of the above points, we would love to hear from you.
If you wish to know about a few success stories that we have helped create, do let us know.
If you wish to know how this business development program can help your organization, do let us know.
How are the sessions conducted?
- The sessions are conducted in an atmosphere of fun.
- The sessions are governed by love to inspire and are inspired by love.
- The sessions are celebratory, down-to-earth, insightful, and profound.
- The sessions have superb interactions that make learning deep and easy.
- The sessions use time tested tools that help participants see things in a new light.
What is the course structure?
- It is either an one/two full day training module or an annual calendar schedule.
- It is scheduled as per requirements from clients.
As per requirement
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