Have you heard about these words –
‘Hedonistic Adaptation’?
Well, in oversimplified terms, it’s a phenomenon in which people want ‘more’ to maintain their happiness levels. Hedonistic Adaptation equates acquisition with satisfaction. I remember the “Ahaa……” feeling I got when I looked at my new MacBook! I thought this feeling will last a lifetime. Ironically, it quickly faded away. To be happy, I soon wanted the new Apple EarPods (something more).I guess all of us have gone through similar experiences. It’s true for our
- marriage day,
- the birth of our child,
- holidays,
- new phone,
- new car,
- new furniture,
- new clothes,
- new shoes,
- rewards and awards,
- news coverage
- power etc.
- Meditating
- Exercising
- Learning
- Forgiving
- Reading
- Hobbying
- Stepping out of comfort zones, etc
This too is a cycle that’s addictive. But this addiction is a beautiful one.
There is another way to defeat Hedonistic Adaptation. Be patient. It is super interesting and a little longer one. For details contact Jo @ 7721065000 / jo@lifeschool.co.inSome accounts say, three ships were nearby when the historic Titanic sunk.
One of them was known as the Sampson. It was 7 miles away from the Titanic. They saw the white flares signaling danger. The crew had been hunting seals illegally and didn’t want to be caught. They insensitively turned and went the opposite direction, away from the Titanic.
This ship represents us and people like us, so busy living a selfish life that we can’t recognize when someone else is in need.
- These people party loudly even when students are studying.
- These people hustle, dangerously pushing older people and even children out of their way.
- These people are insensitive.
- They just don’t care.
The next ship was the Californian. This ship was only 14 miles away from the Titanic and they were surrounded by ice fields. The captain looked out and saw the white flares. Because the conditions weren’t favorable and it was dark, he decided to go back to bed and wait until morning. The crew convinced themselves that nothing critical was happening.
This ship represents those of us who say
- I can’t do anything just now.
- The conditions aren’t right for it and so let me wait until conditions are perfect before going out.
- They do give sympathy, make cosmetic gestures and might even pray for you, but they hesitate from owning up responsibility.
The last ship was the Carpathia. This ship was actually headed in a southern direction 58 miles away from the Titanic when they heard the distress cries over the radio. The captain of this ship, turned the ship around and went full steam ahead through the ice fields. Though the highest speed was supposed to be 14 knots in ideal waters, the captain drove his ship in the icy fields at 17.5 knots per hour. This was the ship that saved the 705 survivors of the Titanic.
- This ship represents those who have a fantastic sense of responsibility in spite of difficulties, they move ahead in full steam without hesitation and without holding back.
- This ship represents people who make things happen.
- This ship represents people who create revolutions.
- This ship represents people we would love to have around us.
- This ship represents people who believe in action and NEVER in excuses.
When the captain of Carpathia looked back at the ice fields they had come through, he said, “Someone else’s hands must have been at the helm of this ship!” Awesome humility isn’t it? And it’s not just humility in action.
It’s a brilliant combination of Ambition, Humility, Adroitness (resourceful and ingenious) and Arcadianly (innocent contentment). Here we see an amazing level of leadership called, “The 6th level of leadership”.
Sampson. Californian. Carpathia. Which ship are you on? We pray you are in Carpathia? Otherwise, we have a question for you.
By the way, the qualities of the 6th level of leadership combine to form the acronym “AHAA”. These certainly form a ‘Ahaa’ life. Can this be a coincidence?
If you want to live your life as the ship Carpathia and if the idea of the 6th level of leadership inspires you, our one-day program “What’s your excuse?” will certainly be of great help to YOU.
- Break mental barriers – It’s essential to break any self-imposed thought, conscious or subconscious, that impedes forward progression. The first & foremost thing that one can do for this is, “TAKE ACTION”.
- Think resourceful – With a resourceful mindset you are driven to find a way. An attitude of resourcefulness inspires out-of-the-box thinking & offers solutions to one’s problems.
- Be calm when things are chaotic – It’s a skill to remain calm under pressure when everything else seems to be falling apart around you.
- Take initiatives – Going the extra mile or going above and beyond your normal job responsibilities to make things happen.
- Assume responsibilities – Developing the winner’s attitude by learning to initiative.
How are the sessions conducted?
- The sessions are conducted in an atmosphere of fun.
- The sessions are governed by love to inspire and are inspired by love.
- The sessions are celebratory, down-to-earth, insightful, and profound.
- The sessions have superb interactions that make learning deep and easy.
- The sessions use time tested tools that help participants see things in a new light.
What is the course structure?
- It is a one full day training module.
- It is scheduled once a year in Pune.
“What’s Your Excuse” a full day life coaching course might just be what you need in order to bring about a positive and successful change in your life.
So, what are you waiting for?
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