7 reasons why Business Coaching is right for you. You are...
5 stages of Successful BUSINESS Mentoring…
Why choose Life School’s Business Coaching program - BERI?
What does the course consist of?
7 reasons why Business Coaching is right for you. You are...
7 reasons why Business Coaching is right for you. You are…
- Eager to develop a strong vibrant team.
- Looking for a Business Coaching program.
- Proactively wanting to improve all aspects of your business.
- Searching for Business Insights and Business Development.
- Ambitious to set new benchmarks and scale newer mountains.
- Excited about Business Transformation and operational excellence.
- Seeking answers to uncover questions that are crucial for your business.
For details contact Jo @ 7721065000 / jo@lifeschool.co.in
5 stages of Successful BUSINESS Mentoring…
Each stage builds on each other. In each stage, we use tools, checklists, and systems to ensure we meet the targets.
- Preparing yourself.
- Preparing our relationship.
- Setting goals
- Learning goals – Insights + Information + Ideas + Ideation.
- Developmental goals – Aim + Initiate + Involve + Improve.
- Enabling growth – Execution Excellence.
- Reaching the target – DeBrief + ReTarget.
Why choose Life School’s Business Coaching program - BERI?
Ambitious business leaders never stop growing. They seek a business mentor who helps find learnings hidden from ordinary eyes. Life School’s ‘BERI’ provides this ‘coaching’ to ambitious businessmen.
- With over 25 years experience in active coaching.
- With over 200 businessmen who will vouch for his coaching skills.
- With many successful and number 1 businesses under his belt.
….Narendra Goidani’s acumen and practical coaching makes him the best in the business.
What does the course consist of?
This course is supported by practical business insights through…
- Case studies.
- Brainstorming.
- Tools and techniques.
- Success based insights.
- Scenario-based simulations.
- Peer learning and presentations.
- Comfort Zone breaking exercises.
Ambitious businessmen
Coming Soon
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