Dear Darling Friends,



I loved this statement, “Imagine, when we wake up, we are only given, what we were thankful for.” I made this statement as my byline. One evening when I returned home from work, my darling wife Bharathi told me, a friend of hers shared, “This is the best statement I have read in the entire year.”



In her eyes, Bharathi had wonder and pride for me. I gave her a broad smile and said to myself, “Wow”. I went inside my room to change. When I came out to the drawing room, Bharathi was engrossed with a program on TV.



My thoughts keep going back to that statement, “Imagine, when we wake up, we are only given, what we were thankful for.”



I decided to practice it deeper than I was doing it. I decided to take out a few minutes everyday just to look around and say, “Thank you.”



I was in for a surprise.



I found myself muttering “Thank you” every morning as I went for a jog.



I found myself muttering “Thank you” as I worked out in the gym.



I found myself muttering “Thank you” to the watchman as I left for office.



I found myself muttering “Thank you” and addressing nature as a friend.



It was a kind of chant. I probably looked a little crazy when I said it.



“Thank you, rock.”



“Thank you, tree.”



“Thank you, leaves.”



“Thank you, birds.”



“Thank you, sun.”



“Thank you, moon.”



“Thank you, dear clothes.”



“Thank you, home.”



“Thank you, shoes.”



I am sure if someone would have heard me, they would have said it aloud, “Crazy”.



As days passed, I realized I was actually becoming more grateful naturally. I kind of liked it. My tolerance was increasing. My patience was increasing. My laughter was booming. My voice was becoming deeper. There was a better glow on my face.



I guess its time now for me to say ‘Thank you’ to a very wonderful set of people. It is YOU my darling readers of LSM.



This is the last LSM for the year 2017. Thank you so much for giving me a chance to write, for encouraging me by reading, and for enthralling me with your replies and feedback. Every Tuesday, I eagerly await your thoughts on my thoughts. Every reply is read with child like glee. I pray reading LSMs have been worth your time. “Thank you. Thank You. Thank you.” Please do keep blessing me with your love and affection.



By the way, if you come across someone who is muttering beneath their breath, “Thank you”, there are two possibilities.



1) Its ME. Come over and give me a hug please as I whisper in your ears “Thank you.”



2) Like YOU, its another reader of LSMs. ha ha ha. Hug them and whisper in their ears, “Thank you too.”



May 2018 be the best year ever of OUR lives.



In deep gratitude,






Imagine, when we wake up, we are only given, what we were thankful for



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