Dearest Darling Friends,



I was stunned with a few details of information. I present a few of them for your delight and surprise.



Did you know we can see the rainbow because of the conical photoreceptors in our eyes? Those animals who do not have the cones, cannot see the rainbow at all. Yeahhhh! How is this for our ego? Pumped up, hmm?



Did you know we can see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum? This means we can see less than 1% of whatever is? This means we CANNOT see about 99% of whatever is in front of our eyes !!! How is this for our ego, hmm?



Did you know we can hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum? Even a cow can hear better than us humans. Dogs can hear much better than humans. A cat can hear much much better than humans. How is this for our ego, hmm?



Did you know, as we are reading this mail, we are travelling at a speed of 107,000 km per hour in the orbit of Earth around the sun. The full path of the Earth’s orbit is close to 970 million km. To go around this immense circle in one year takes a speed of 107,000 km/hr. At this speed, you could get from the northern tip of India to the southern tip in less than 1.5 minutes. As they say on TV, please don’t try going this fast without adult supervision. Ha ha. How is this for our ego?



Did you know all the atoms in your body are brand new and you do not have a single atom you were born with? Did you know that the atoms in our body are 99.9999% empty space? We are so empty? What? Really? How is this for our ego, hmm?



Did you know potatoes (48) have 2 chromosomes more than we human beings (46)? Did you know Chimpanzees have 96.1% genes common with humans? Does this mean we are close to the chimp and inferior to the dogs and cows and potatoes? How is this for our ego, hmm?



I believe, it is time for us to dump our exaggerated egos and become more humble. It is time for us to stop fighting wanting to prove ‘I am right and you are wrong’. I think it is time for us to slow down for a while, fill our hearts with gratitude, fill our eyes with amazement, bow down on our knees and say in wonder, ‘Thank you dearest life for flowing through us.’



With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,






Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.





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