To sell means to contribute. The most challenging part of any sales process lies in ‘Closing the Sale’.


Closing is a seller’s bread and butter. Without it, no seller can thrive. As a result, closing strategies are a necessary arsenal in the sellers world.


– You’ve worked hard to cultivate a relationship with the customer.


– You’ve helped them to understand your product inside-out.


– You’ve addressed their objections and given them compelling reasons to buy.


Now it’s time to get to the point — close!


Often, a seller does great presentation. And then, they fumble at the close. All their efforts end in a zero. They deserve better.


They will improve their results significantly when they become great at closing a sales call.


Here, Life School will make an effort to discuss various ‘Closing the Sale’ methods.


Every method will help a seller with three things.


– One, close his sales better;


– Two, make more money


– Three, be of great value to customers.


Do let us know if these methods are helpful to you.


Here is the first one.




When the buyer has a deep and immediate need for the product, this closing effort works. In other words, when the buyer is mentally and emotionally ‘ready’ to buy, this closing works.


Otherwise, this might backfire.


Here are a few sample questions which are ‘direct closes’.


1. Shall I make the bill?


2. When do you want it delivered?


3. You want to buy anything else?


This approach does not require any training or sophistication. This is the approach by which most sellers start their careers.


Disclaimer – If the buyer has even the slightest hesitation in buying, this approach will not work.




If you believe these ‘Closing the Sale’ insights can help, feel free to share them with others.



No prior permission is required.


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May success be a ‘way of life’ for you.



With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,



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