Dearest Darling Friends,


Has it ever happened with you that you are standing next to a person and you have no clue how to have a conversation with them? Or, a guest has come home and you have no idea what to talk to them about? Well, you are not alone! People are often at a loss ‘what to ask’ when they meet people for the first time. Asking ‘What do you do?’ is so boring. Let me make life easy for you with these 7 possible Qs that you can ask them instead.


1.What is the most exciting thing in life right now? This question gives others the options of sharing a work-related answer or talk about kids, or their new car or even a holiday they are planning to have. In other words, this question gives the flexibility to answer about anything that excites them.


2.What’s the best thing that has happened to you this year? It’s an open-ended question that tells you about what mattered to a person in the recent past. It also tells you what is close to their heart.


3.Where did you grow up? This question allows them to answer with simple details from childhood. It is a very safe question to ask. Almost everyone can answer without reservation. It is brilliant to make others open up without prying too deep into anyone’s life.


4.What do you do for fun? This question steers the conversation away from work. It’s understood as a non-work question and the most likely answers will probably establish non-work ties.


5.Do you have a favorite superhero? Asking this question will lead to interesting conversations on why the other person chose that particular character or why they are not really into superheroes.


6.Is there a cause you support? It is a big open-ended question. You are likely to find common causes or you may find out about a cause you didn’t even know about.


7.What’s the most important thing I should know about you? This one is effective for it is forthright so use it depending on the right context. It will take a lot of confidence to ask this question.

Irrespective of the question you chose to ask, remember, what is important is to make the other person feel comfortable in answering your question. When you do that, you not only add a name to your phone’s contact list, but you may actually end up making a relationship for a lifetime.


With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,




Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.


Life School Wow Parenting Keep Moving Movement

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