Dearest Darling Friends,


If you ask me what is my Superpower, I would say, it is my ability to reflect on my experiences. Time and again, I have learnt so much through reflections. It is that time of the year when reflections are deep and necessary to prepare for a great year ahead.


Here are some questions I ask myself that guide my reflections.


1. Tell me about a goal you set and achieved this year.
2. Tell me about a situation where you had to handle intense pressure this year
3. Tell me about a time you had to manage conflicting priorities this year
4. Tell me about a weakness you have overcome this year
5. Tell me about a experience where your weakness made you suffer this year
6. Tell me about any leadership experience you had this year
7. Tell me about a situation where you had an difference of opinion with someone yet you were centered.
8. Tell me about a time you had to persuade someone and you could.
9. Tell me about something you learned quickly
10. Tell me about how you see yourself around the same time next year.


These prompts have been super helpful and insightful for me. I pray they will be helpful to you too.


Let me know about any prompts that you have that helps you reflect better. Would love to know what works for you.


Your thoughts?

With love, prayers, and exceptional wishes,


Change your thoughts. Change your life.


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