Dearest Darling Friends,



There was widespread child malnutrition in Vietnam in 1990. As an employee of Save the Children, Jerry and Monique Sternin were called upon to tackle this epidemic. Because the size of the issue was huge and the need to solve it was urgent, the Sternins could easily have become overwhelmed.



Plus the country’s foreign minister told them, “You have six months to make a difference.”



What did they do? How did they approach this menacing challenge? They did a very smart thing.



Instead of looking at the big and obvious problems such as polluted water, he asked the mothers in one village to meet with him to discover, together, the healthiest children and to then discover why.



They were amused and delighted with what they fond. They found that the mothers of healthier kids were feeding them four meals a day (using the same amount of food as other moms but spreading it across four servings rather than two).



The larger twice-a-day meals eaten by most families turned out to be a mistake for children because their malnourished stomachs couldn’t process that much food at one time,” according to  Switch co-authors Dan and Chip Heath.



They characterized this approach as searching for “a bright spot and then cloning it.” Rather than trying to fix what’s wrong, it’s easier to scale what’s going right.



Is there any lesson for you in this story? There certainly were many for me. Do let us know what were your findings from musings arising from this story? Does this story make sense to you? I am waiting at this end to know your thoughts…



With love, prayers and best wishes,






Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.



Life School  Wow Parenting  Keep Moving Movement

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