Dearest Darling Friends,


There is a Jewish saying: ‘One who is shy cannot learn fast’.

Why? They believe the one who is shy will hesitate to ask.

Without asking, he only understands what is told. Through asking, he gets clarity on every doubt that he holds.


In Mahabharat, Arjun could not bring himself to fight until he had ‘complete’ clarity. He ceaselessly asked questions and Krishna patiently kept on answering.

The wisdom of Krishna needs the questions of Arjuna for it to be revealed.


Some students don’t ask, thinking, they might offend the teacher. You need the clarity the teacher can provide. So keep asking.

Some students don’t ask, thinking, they might look stupid. The answers will help you to become wise. So keep asking.

Some students don’t ask, thinking, they might be laughed at. Let your results do the talking. So keep asking.

Some students don’t ask, thinking, they will find the answers on their own. Of course, you can. But it will take a hell of a lot of time. Do you have the luxury of so much time? I guess your answer is NO. Then, keep asking.


When you ask questions, you DO NOT display ignorance. You display that you have a ‘THINKING MIND’. All good teachers, all successful people, love to interact with people who ask to learn.

May you always dare and care to ask and become ‘wise’!


With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,


Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.

Life School Wow Parenting Keep Moving Movement

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