Dearest Darling Friends,


Here are a few questions for us to think about. These are small questions yet they are very big on impact. Happy answers…


To whom do I feel responsible?


The answer will reveal whom do I feel accountable to. Accountability ensures improvement. Accountability ensures focus.


I feel responsible for what?


The answer reveals what are my priorities. Without priorities, life is like a vagabond.


How do I define “great work”? How do others define it?


The answer reveals whether there is congruence in my standards and the world’s expectations or is there a mismatch.


Mismatch leads to heart burns. Congruence leads to rewards and celebrations.


What does it take to carry out great work?


The answer reveals if I have clarity about the efforts and resources that will be required to succeed.


Answer the above questions and you are sure to do well in life. All the best.


With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,




Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.



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