Philip II of Macedon was conquering Greek city states left, right and centre. Sparta stood isolated, relatively weak and without walls. Philip sent a message to the Spartans saying “If I invade Lakonia you will be destroyed, never to rise again.”


The Spartan ephors replied with a single word: ‘If’.


Neither Philip ll, nor his son Alexander ever invaded Sparta.


Here is an excerpt from the credo of the US Navy SEALs:


“I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity. My Nation expects me to be physically and mentally stronger than my enemies. If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to protect my teammates and to accomplish our mission. I am never out of the fight.”


The above two references makes me believe, there are two kinds of people in the world –

1. ‘I Will Do My Best’ people – They have accepted the status quo and their personal limitations. When they fail, they console themselves by saying ‘I did my best.’


2. Then, there are the ‘Will Get Things Done’ people. They are absolutely committed to reaching their goals no matter what! A ‘Will Get Things Done’ person can achieve what ‘I did my best’ people call difficult / impossible.


The Spartans, the US Navy SEALs, are ‘Get Things Done’ people.


It will be interesting to ask myself who am I?


– ‘I did my best’ person or a

– ‘Will Get Things Done’ person?


Who are you?


With love, prayers, and exceptional wishes,


Change your thoughts. Change your life.


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