Dearest Darling Friends,



The most powerful weapon in the world is the ‘stories we tell ourselves’.



A rich kid Roshni believes she is privileged, joins the family’s foundation, and immerses herself in philanthropy.



Another rich kid Amita believes there is no need to work hard as her family is rich. She flits from one party to another.



It is not the money we have but the stories we tell ourselves that makes our life, brakes our life or breaks our life.



Sindhu is a talented singer and thrives in the spotlight. She looks down on people who aren’t as successful as she is. She sees the impact her music has on others. She grows arrogant.



Bindu is a talented singer. She sees the impact her music has on others. She sees an opportunity to life people and drive social change.



It is not the talent we have but the stories we tell ourselves that makes our life, brakes our life or breaks our life.



Ramesh is born in a poor family. He looks at his resources and believes he is meant to live poor and die poor. He believes dreams are the luxury for rich people.



Bill Gates is born in a poor family. He searches for opportunities and creates Microsoft. He believes, to be born poor is not his fault. To die poor is his fault. He believes every human being can dream and make their dream a reality.



It is not the resources we have but the stories we tell ourselves that makes our life, brakes our life or breaks our life.



There is inequality in the society. We are being exploited. It’s not fair.



A terrorist is born.



There is inequality in the society. We are being exploited. It’s not fair.



A Babasaheb Ambedkar is born.



A Martin Luther King Jr is born.



An Abraham Lincoln is born.



It is not the social conditions we have but the stories we tell ourselves, that makes our life, brakes our life or breaks our life.



Have you ever taken a moment to think, “What are the stories you tell yourself?”.



These stories make you, brake you or break you.



With love, prayers and best wishes,






Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.


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