Dear Darling Friends,

The most brutal part of my life was when I had to quit studies, take up a job and fend for the family. I had no time for friends (more honestly, I had no friends), there was never enough money and relaxing was a sarcastic word.

During those times, I cursed life and god and everyone else I could. I was in a big self sympathy trip.

That was 30+ years ago.

Today, when I look back, I fondly find some of the most cherished moments of my life there.

– The first time I rode a scooter.
– The first time I bought a gift for my mother.
– The first time I got an order from a difficult customer.
– The first time I was appreciated by a customer in front of my boss.

Those experiences are clearly etched forever. Each one of these experiences, MADE ME. Those tough times created me.

Isn’t our most cherished moments those where we push our boundaries?

Don’t the seeming pleasure of binge-watching TV, or buying a better car or getting the 7th award or a getting a picture with a celebrity fade away as quick as dew drops on a summer morning?

This is a lesson I sometimes tend to forget when facing challenging situations. If I remember it, probably, I will be unstoppable.

Your thoughts…?

With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,


Change your thoughts. Change your life.

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