Dearest Darling Readers,


A few days ago, I read a Harley Davidson advertisement’s main line, “Leave Behind Shoes No Man Can Fill.”


That line took my breathe away. “Wow” went my heart. My next thought was, “I too wish to live this kind of a life.”


The immediate next thought was, “And I want to work till the last day of my life. Never want to retire.”


And the following thought was…”This also means, I must stay YOUNG irrespective of my age.


The next thought was, “But how to do that?”


My mind scanned for people who are aged yet young. My intellect scanned for what is common to all of them? The answer took some time in coming, but is super cute. All of them who aged yet were young, are best friends with the twin brothers ABL and NSI.


Now, who are they, you might be asking. Well, well well.


ABL is ‘Always Be Learning’ and NSI is ‘Never Stop Improving’.


They are the best anti-ageing agents in town.


Unlike many other creams and claims, these two actually work. To ABL (Always Be Learning) is to stay young forever.


A mantra of many world- class businesspeople is ‘Never Stop Improving.’ The best in business have boundless curiosity and open minds. This allows them to work and live with a childlike sense of wonder as well as access world class levels of creativity that fuels their professional success. They read constantly. They listen attentively. The IMPROVE daily. They are devoted to NSI.


When you have these twin brothers as best friends, you are ready to live by the Harley Davidson ad, “Leave Behind Shoes No Man Can Fill.”


With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,




Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.



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