We hide a part of us when we feel vulnerable. We are scared that we might get hurt. And no one likes to get hurt.


Sometimes, the past makes us feel vulnerable.


Sometimes, it is our present weakness that makes us feel vulnerable.


Sometimes, it is the fear that people will laugh at us that makes us feel vulnerable.


Sometimes, it is the possibility of a loss that makes us feel vulnerable.


Sometimes, the question ‘are we insignificant’ makes us feel vulnerable.


Sometimes, it is the presence of someone better than us makes us feel vulnerable.


Vulnerability comes in many forms and many disguises.


Being vulnerable and staying away from taking initiatives is weakness. Weaknesses are like chains.

They stop you. They hold you back.


Being vulnerable yet taking initiatives and facing your fears – that is strength.


That is an amazing way to live life.


Facing your vulnerabilities helps you create deep roots. Roots are your strength.


They feed you. They hold you even when storms are raging around you.


Break your chains. Develop deep roots. Live strong.


Being vulnerable is understandable. Staying vulnerable is NOT.


With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,


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