Dear Darling Friends,

Here Are Some Challenges For You for the month of June. How many would you like to complete?

1. Encourage a child
2. Appreciate a co-worker
3. Read a great book
4. Share what you learnt.
5. Do something that frightens you.
6. Write a thank you note
7. Do something kind for a stranger
8. Wow a customer
9. Call someone who is not expecting it.
10. Learn a new word.
11. Let go of a resentment.
12. Do better work
13. Laugh more
14. Be more focused.
15. Say sorry
16. Stand for excellence
17. Take care of an old couple for an hour
18. Visit an old age home for an hour.
19. Clean your drawers.
20. Do something you have been postponing.
21. Take care of your health.
22. Sit in silence every day for 10 minutes
23. Be without your cell phone for a day
24. Go to the balcony and laugh out laugh for at least 30 secs. Record it as a video
25. Share that video in your social media handles
26. Delete 3 apps from your phone
27. Check if the wipers of your car are working or not. Replace them if necessary
28. Decide on a fitness goal
29. Sit alone and technology free for 30 mins.
30. See a movie that was released before your birth

Have loads of fun doing this. Involve friends and family too. Share the good out of this on social media. Share with me too about your experiences.I am rubbing my hands with glee. This is going to be so much fun. You can find me at

With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,


Change your thoughts, Change your life.

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