I have felt honoured to coach some exceptional leaders. However, most struggle while giving feedbacks.
Here are my quick 5 thumb rules that have helped me and my coachees in equal measure.
- Feedbacks must always be based on data and not on assumptions. Cut out any feedback that does not include enough data. It is not about what you believe, it is about what data says.
- Feedbacks must carry a belief, ‘I am here to help you succeed’ and not ‘I am here to catch you fail’. Deliver your feedback, with belief and commitment.
- Like most others, do you worry that someone will react badly to your negative feedback? Well, if you avoid saying what you need to say, you are anyways setting them up for failure.
- Take responsibility and own the feedback. No one is allowed to give feedback to teammates as “some people are saying…” If you can’t own the feedback, don’t give it.
- Be honest whether you think this person can meet your expectations. If you give someone feedback without believing in them, then, you are failing as their leader.
What are the feedback maxims that have worked for you? Would love to learn and better my abilities.
Looking forward to your FEEDBACK. Even a single word or an emoji will be delightful.
With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,
As I live…I learn
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