Dearest Darling Friends,



Some people would say US Navy Seals are the toughest and most elite military group in the world.



Prospective trainees are expected to exceed the minimums. The minimum requirements are…



* 500 yard (460 m) swim using breast or combat sidestroke in under 12:30 with a competitive time of 9:00 or less,



* 50 push-ups (minimum) in 2 minutes with a competitive count of 90 or more,



* 50 sit-ups (minimum) in 2 minutes with a competitive count of 90 or more,



* 10 pull-ups from a dead hang (no time limit) with a competitive count of 18 or more,



* 1.5 mile (2.4 km) in running shorts and boots in under 10:30 with a competitive time of 9:30 or less.



All of this has to be done back to back. Good news is that you get a 2-minute break between each activity.



Passing this ensures you now have a 6 % chance of success. Yippeeee. Congratulations!!!



Then comes Hell Week: five and a half days in which candidates train for 20 hours a day, run more than 200 miles and sleep a total of just four hours.



In between, every day, there are “circuses”. The “circuses” during SEAL training refer to remedial physical training — an extra two hours of exercises for failing to meet a standard during the day. Circuses are “designed to wear you down, to break your spirit, to force you to quit.”



Nobody who volunteers for Navy Seals, wants to fail at anything. When they were already exhausted from training, nobody wants to have to go to the circus at the end of the day. Yet, many times that have to. Every day, the trainers in the Navy Seals program, motivate the trainees to ‘GIVE UP’. Sadly, over 87% of course participants, do give up! The students who do not give up, get stronger and stronger. In life, the percentage is almost the same. What do you think? At the very thought of pain, many of us GIVE UP.



Any pain that creates you, helps you. It builds in you, strength and resilience. This is true, both in grueling physical training and the rest of the real world. Don’t be afraid of it. Face it. Your mind will scream, GIVE UP. Every sinew in your body will beg, GIVE UP. Don’t!



That is why in the US Navy Seals,the saying is,“If you think you are tough, PROVE it”.I believe, life too says the same.



If you want to inspire’, if you want to feel a deep sense of immense self-pride, if you want to be coveted and truly respected by the world, PROVE it that you are WORTH it.



Let’s assume, physically, you are strong enough to pass all the tests in the US Navy Seals training. Question is, mentally, would you survive? Or, would you, ‘GIVE UP’?



With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,






Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.



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