Did you know that, besides Rishi Sunak, there are 6 more countries that have Indian-origin heads of state across the world? That’s incredible, isn’t it?


No other nationality in the world has people of their origin as ‘heads of state’ in so many OTHER countries.


What does this say about Indians?


We can lead.
We can adapt.
We can assume responsibilities.
We can rise to the top where ever we are.


Indians being heads of the corporate world is not new news. But Indians being heads of states in so many countries. Now, that is something truly phenomenal, isn’t it?


Old news – #rishisunak recently became the first Indian-origin PM of the UK.


New news – I am amazed to read about 30 people of Indian origin who have been heads of state/government in 10 countries.


8 of them are acting heads of state, RIGHT NOW.


I can imagine some people asking, “Ah ah. No big deal. What did they do for India, eh?”


Well, it is not about what they did for India.


It is about what INDIANS can do. And you and I are Indians, right? That’s the point.


Here is the list of countries with Indian-origin heads of state.


This list swells my heart with pride and created a #wow moment for me.


Sharing it with you with #excitement

1. #mauritius
2, #singapore
3. #portugal
4. #malaysia
5. #suriname
6. #trinidadandtobago
7. #guyana
8. #fiji
9. #ireland
10. #seychelles


Do you know of more that I might have missed?


With love, prayers, and exceptional wishes,


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