Dearest Darling Friends,



When Beatles appeared on the one hour Ed Sullivan show, there was no crime in US. This myth made the beatles super famous. Mahashri Mahesh Yogi said then, “Beatles are angels of the earth.”



When I read this, my mind was like…”Wohooooo. That is incredible.”



When you read this, what did your mind say?



Taking our conversation ahead, to activate and excite your brain’s grey matter, I would love to know your thoughts on



why do you think America remained crime free for that one hour?



 Was it a co-incidence?



Was it a marketing gimmick for the Beatles / Ed Sullivan?



Was it the power of Ed Sullivan?



Did the Beatles command such an influence? If yes, then, what made them command such an influence?



Most importantly, what needs to be done to command such an influence by people like you and me?



Waiting to read your thoughts…



With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,






Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.



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