Dearest Darling Friends, 


Inscribed at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, independently opined by many people throughout history, Thales gave this question: ‘What is the most difficult thing?’


Thales of Miletus (c. 626/623 – c. 548/545 BC) was an ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher, scientist, and mathematician from Miletus, a city in modern-day Turkey.


He’s considered one of the Seven Sages of Greece, a group of influential thinkers and early philosophers.


Here are a few points of Thales’ claim to fame:


  • The First Philosopher: Thales is often referred to as the ‘first philosopher’ because he was one of the first to seek natural explanations for phenomena, rather than relying on mythological explanations. For example, he believed earthquakes were caused by the movement of the Earth’s crust, not by angry gods.


  • Early Science: Thales made significant contributions to the fields of mathematics, astronomy, and engineering. He’s credited with theorems in geometry, and predicting a solar eclipse!


  • The Power of Inquiry: Thales’ most significant impact might be his emphasis on reason and observation. He encouraged questioning and seeking natural explanations for the world around us, which paved the way for scientific thinking in the Western world.


Thales’ role in the development of philosophy and science is undeniable. He challenged the status quo and laid the groundwork for future generations of thinkers and innovators.


Various people have expressed their thoughts on Thales’ question – ‘What is the most difficult thing? Here are a few answers….


1. Knowing Thyself (Socrates): He believed self-knowledge was the ultimate challenge. Maybe that’s why he spent so much time asking people questions.


2. Taming Your Tongue (Confucius): The great sage, believed the most difficult thing was “to speak the truth without making people angry.” Anyone who’s ever tried giving constructive criticism to a friend’s questionable fashion choices knows the struggle is real. Sometimes, keeping your mouth shut is the ultimate act of self-control (and friendship preservation).


3. Mastering the Art of Patience (Buddha): Renowned for his serene smile, he believed the most difficult thing was “to endure patiently the misconduct of others.” Let’s face it, sometimes people cut in line, steal your parking spot, or drive as if they want to drive you crazy. Patience in the face of such atrocities? Now that’s a Herculean feat, isn’t it?


4. The Balancing Act of Life (Aristotle): He saw the most difficult thing as “to find happiness in moderation.” Life’s a constant tug-of-war between work and play, saving and spending, indulging in that extra slice of cake and maintaining a healthy waistline. Finding the sweet spot? That’s a balancing act that would make even a circus performer sweat.


5. The Power of Persistence (Thales): He believed the most difficult thing was “to persevere in a purpose.” Sticking to your goals, chasing your dreams, and not giving up when things get tough – that’s a challenge that transcends time and toga trends.


So, there you have it! The age-old question with no easy answer. My personal favorite is the answer by Confucious when he says, was “to speak the truth without making people angry.”


In my line of work as a Mentor, I realised, I must master this quality!!! What an impact it will have !!!


What’s your take on this questions my friend? According to you, “What is the most difficult thing?”


With love, prayers and best wishes,

Change your thoughts. Change your life.


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