Dear Darling Friends,



In 2004 Victor Yushchenko stood for the presidency of the Ukraine. Vehemently opposed by the ruling party, Yushchenko’s face was disfigured and he almost lost his life when he was mysteriously poisoned. This was not enough to deter him from standing for the presidency.



The Independent reported, “The poisoning of the Ukranian opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko in 2004 was a shocking act. Images of his face, disfigured by lesions and blisters, were seen across the world. And the fact that the attempted assassination had taken place while he was running in an election in a European state added to the sense of astonishment.”



His chief opponent, Viktor Yanukovych, denied allegations that he was responsible for the administration of TCDD, the most potent dioxin and contaminant in Agent Orange, which resulted in Mr Yushchenko having to campaign with his face half paralysed and a catheter inserted into his back to inject painkillers into his spine.



On the day of the election Yushchenko was comfortably in the lead. The ruling party, not to be denied, tampered with the results. The state-run television station reported “ladies and gentlemen, we announce that the challenger Victor Yushchenko has been decisively defeated.”



In the lower right-hand corner of the screen a woman by the name of Natalia Dmitruk was providing a translation service for the deaf community. As the news presenter regurgitated the lies of the regime, Natalia Dmitruk refused to translate them. “I’m addressing all the deaf citizens of Ukraine” she expressed in sign language. “They are lying and I’m ashamed to translate those lies. Yushchenko is our president.”



The deaf community sprang into gear. They text messaged their friends about the fraudulent result and as news spread of Dmitruk’s act of defiance increasing numbers of journalists were inspired to likewise tell the truth. Over the coming weeks the “Orange Revolution” occurred as a million people wearing orange made their way to the capital city of Kiev demanding a new election. The government was forced to meet their demands, a new election was held and Victor Yushchenko became president.



This is the power of one single person’s initiative. One single person taking a stand point and igniting a forest fire. Imagine the circumstances. If the administration could poison a candidate, if they could broadcast wrong news, if they could allegedly attempt an assassination, what could have been the consequences for Natalia Dmitruk?



She heard the voice of her conscience. I guess millions were listening to their voice of conscience too but their voices were a little feeble. Natalia’s defiance boosted their voice of conscience and the Orange revolution happened.



If anything around you disturbs you, what do you do? Interesting question isn’t it?



With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,






Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.



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