Dearest Darling Friends,


1. Does that make sense? (Fishing for validation or trying to look humble?)
↳ Replace it with: “Do you have any questions for me?”


2. This might be a stupid question, but…(you sound naïve instead of smart)
↳ Replace it with: “Would you help me understand this better…”


3. I will try. (shows non-commitment)
↳ Replace it with: “I will get this done latest by [date/time].”


4. Sorry to bother you, but…(you don’t value yourself enough hence you are frequently apologetic)
↳ Replace it with: “When you have a moment I would love your input on…”


5. Hopefully…(you are NOT in control)
↳ Replace it with: “I am confident…”


6. I guess / I could be wrong, but (you are under prepared)
↳ Replace it with: “Is it possible that…”


7. No offence, but…(you are not caring)
↳ Replace it with: “Have you thought about…”


8. Let me know if you need anything…(You are nudging them away)
↳ Replace it with: “How may I support you on this?”


There is enough evidence to suggest that people who use confident language filled with warmth are perceived more competent and dependable..


By changing these phrases, boost your credibility, influence and results.


With love, prayers and best wishes,


Change your thoughts. Change your life.

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  1. Prajakta Ghode January 23, 2025 at 8:37 am



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