Dearest Darling Friends,


Faye Stenning – No 1 in the world in OCR in 2016 – OCR stands for Obstacles Course Races.


When she was asked what was the cause of her success, without any hesitation she suggested the following pointers. I am sure you will see a huge sense in what she is saying.


1. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable.


2. My parents taught me:
You got to work hard.
You got to earn what you want.
(I get my discipline from my parents)


3. There are a lot of days when I do not feel like exercising. Those days, these following thoughts make me jump out of the bed:
What kind of life do I want to live? Lazy or dynamic? …and I jump out of my bed.
What are my competitors doing now? …and I jump out of my bed.
What are the goals that I have in life? Is it to sleep longer or is it to create some records? …and I jump out of my bed.


This means, when it is GO TIME, it is GO TIME. No excuses. SIMPLE.


Imagine yourself a HUGE success. Imagine someone asking you the same question…”What is the cause of your SUCCESS?”…what would your answers be?


With love, prayers and best wishes,




Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.


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