Dear Darling Friend,


Someone somewhere did an inspiring deed today. Was that someone you?


Someone somewhere proved to be a friend in need. Was that someone you?


Someone somewhere sang a beautiful song and made a few hearts melt. Was that someone you?


Someone somewhere smiled and created connections. Was that someone you?


Someone somewhere convinced someone, “It is sweet to live”. Was that somebody you?


Someone somewhere said, “I am glad to give”. Was that someone you?


Someone somewhere fought a valiant fight. Was that someone you?


Someone somewhere made riches from little. Was that someone you?


Someone somewhere prayed for strangers. Was that someone you?


Someone somewhere hugged and healed. Was that someone you?


I am sure you would certainly have been that someone today. It is you who makes this world a lovely place to live it. ThanQ.


With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,




Change your thoughts. Change your life.

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