– A sad seller can never be a great salesperson.


– An angry seller can never be a great salesperson.


– A doubtful seller can never be a great salesperson.


– A demotivated seller can never be a great salesperson.


Why? Because their energy levels are low. In their presence, they drain the buyer of energy. In their presence, the buyer feels low.


The law of energy says, “The higher in energy will always magnetize the lower in energy.”


For the seller to succeed their energy levels must be higher than the buyer’s energy level. How to do that?


– No matter what, be happy.


– No matter what, be confident.


– No matter what, crack jokes.


– No matter what, be enthusiastic.


Your positive energy will get transferred to the buyer. They will find it easy to like you and trust you.


Therefore, it will be easy for them to buy.


Hence, we believe, “In its essence, selling is the transference of energy”.


* * * * *


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With love, prayers, and exceptional wishes,



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