PLUS People: These people are Mentors to model yourself after (real or fictional).


They inspire you, guide you, make you believe in what you must aspire for.


They make you believe you are made for bigger things in life.


Hold on to them. A few minutes with them and you have got guidance for the rest of your life.


MINUS People: You are the PLUS person in their life.


They are the people who need you. They are the people who seek your guidance.


They are people whose life you need to impact. They are the potentials, you need to support.


They may be the purpose of your life.


Hug them. Mould them. Do not give up on them.


They may be your friends, your children, or your colleague. Help them rise.


EQUALS: These are people who look at you as an equal.


They are people who are genuine and concerned about your future.


They are your well wishers who will neither be overawed by your success nor will give up on you when you fail.


They are people who make the toughest of journeys worthwhile.


Listen to them, love them, depend on them. Contribute in their life unabashedly.


The presence of these three kinds of people, makes life complete.


Do you have all these three kinds of people in your life?


What are your experiences of having them?


Would love to know.


With love, prayers, and exceptional wishes,


Change your thoughts. Change your life.


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