Dearest Darling Friends,
Have you experienced that our mind can be our best cheerleader and worst personal critic? The same mind that gives us breakthrough ideas to build fragile relationships can also give us egoistic urges that fracture strong relationships.
Often, it tells us how good we are. Sometimes, it behaves like that one irritating friend who shows up to the party and says, “Oh no. Why did you wear this combination?”
Here’s the thing…the way I talk to myself matters. It matters a lot.
It’s the difference between “I’ve got this!” and “I’ve got this… I think… maybe… oh no, what if I don’t?” Haha. The truth? I have got this.
My mind is a GPS. If I keep telling it, “You’re lost, you’re terrible at directions, and you’ll never find your way,” guess what? I will end up super frustrated. But if my GPS says, “Recalculating… take this route,” I will eventually reach my destination.
Who hasn’t missed a turn while driving, then taken a longer albeit unknown route, and then reached their destination?
Haha. I discovered a few great eateries when I was lost ( I love food you know ).
Like most of us, I too have my moments of negative self-talk. Like the time I was making popcorn, forgot to switch off the gas, got transfixed by an episode of ‘Suits’, and ended up with jet back burnt popcorn in a jet black burst pressure cooker. Ouch!
Popcorn was no longer popcorn, it had become soot. Making popcorn did not soot me… um…suit me.
My critical brain said, “Naren, you’re a disaster in the kitchen.” I was gloomy for a few minutes.
Then my cheerleader mind said, “Bach gaya (Got saved). At least I didn’t set the house on fire!”
That ‘burnt to ashes’ popcorn showed me that my brain can function as a cheerleader or as a critic in a matter of a few minutes. I detest the loathing critic and love the cheerleader. I am sure you feel the same way, isn’t it?
Since that day, I have given myself this challenge: Catch yourself in the act of negative self-talk and flip the script.
Instead of “I am terrible at this,” say with conviction, “I am getting better every day.”
Your turn, buddy: What’s one thing you’re going to say to yourself to silence the critic and give power to the cheerleader?
Drop it in the comments or DM me—let’s spread some positivity (and maybe a few laughs).
With love, prayers and best wishes,
Change your thoughts. Change your life.
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As a leader I have no answer to many questions, I feel disappointed.
If every question had a direct answer, the role of leader would not exist.
I need to put my maximum potential in this situation to find apt answers and believe in the Almighty that “All will turn out best!”
When my day doesn’t begin well and things are not going my way, I tell myself “My day didn’t begin well. But I want to end it well.” Then, I start doing one task after the other without overly thinking or wasting time. Soon, I would have a list of accomplished tasks. Then, I feel my day IS going well and I’m on my way to end it well.