”Harold Abbot had lost all his savings; he had incurred debts which took him seven years to pay back. He had a grocery shop that was closed. And he was going to a bank to borrow money so that he could start another business.


He was walking on the road like a beaten man. He had lost faith and the endurance to fight for a successful life.


As he was walking, coming down the street he saw a man who had no legs. This man (without legs) was sitting on a little wooden platform equipped with wheels from roller skates. He propelled himself along the street with a block of wood in each hand.


As this man tilted the little wooden platform to an angle, to climb the curb, his eyes met Harold’s.

He greeted Harold with a grand smile ‘Good Morning sir. It is a fine morning isn’t it?’


The greeting was filled with high spirits. (Reminded me of ‘How’s the Josh?’ from the movie URI). It stunned Harold.


As Harold stood looking at that man without legs, he realized how rich he himself was. Harold had two legs, He could walk.


He said to himself, if that person could be happy, cheerful and confident without legs, I certainly can be happy too for I have legs too. Harold then wrote these lines which became a turning point of his life”


I had the blues,
For I had no shoes,
Until upon the street,
I met a man,
Who had no feet


When I read these lines for the first time, it stirred me too. I decided, come what may, I will never feel self pity ever! These lines always remind me to count my blessings and not my troubles.


These lines remind me that the problems in life is actually not in ‘Life’. The problem lies in what I am counting…my problems or my blessings?


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