Dearest Darling Friends, 


The hidden secret of every great relationship…


Think and write down the names of 5 important people in your life.


Now think,
– What do they ‘need’ from you?
– What is that you ‘need’ from them?


The truth is, the basis of every relationship is a need. It is natural, wonderful and perfectly ok to have needs in a relationship. Having clarity about ‘needs’, helps keeps things clear and simple. Most of the times, however, needs are unspoken.


When these needs are met, relationships are great. When these needs are unmet, we struggle.


Here are some possible unspoken needs of your loved ones. They are silently saying to you…


Inspire me
Trust me
Guide me
Touch me
Accept me
Notice me
Share with me
Challenge me
Support me
Hold me
Push me
Don’t push me
Understand me
Empower me
Help me
Appreciate me
Teach me
Learn from me
Depend on me
Allow me to….
Listen to me
Create opportunities for me
Stay with me
Take care of me
Protect me



Go all out to understand and meet their needs.
Express and ask your needs to be met.


Sometimes, it will be like a tug of war. Smile and carry on. By meeting these needs, you will be….superbly maintaining, sustaining and nurturing your relationships. Forever!!!

With love, prayers and best wishes,

Change your thoughts. Change your life.


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