Dearest Darling Friends, 


“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.


These words had shaken me when I came across them in a book in my school days.


The stark brutal honesty of this statement can only come from the heart of someone who has been let down and wounded. It can emerge only out of the pains of someone who has done enough, stood by his friends and colleagues, guided them when they needed it, and yet, when it was time for him to get support (for genuine reasons)…there was an empty street.


I attempt to visualise what Martin Luther King Jr would have gone through to make such a deep soul stirring statement.


The statements that I have heard when others are in difficult situations are…


– I understand your situation but….
– ⁠I would have loved to help you but…
– ⁠In prayers I am with you but….
– ⁠I will have to balance both sides you know…
– ⁠Please do not pull me in your misunderstandings….


Some would profess help, never to be seen again.


Some would say, “I will call you back” but….they start ghosting.


Some would make consistent promises, create hope but never deliver.


Some would act upset at your situation, pretend to be sorry but become turncoats without batting an eyelid.


Some would instigate both sides bringing out the nastiest side of people and worsening the situation.


In an attempt to make you weaker and to serve their personal interests, some would run a campaign against you without knowing even the ‘T’ of truth.


A friend of mine, Vandana, who runs an NGO named ‘The Banyan’ in Chennai, had once gifted me a card saying, “The surest way to clear a street is to shout for help. Yet, you helped…Thanks”


I had just advanced a small sum and I was stunned with so much gratitude in that letter. I decided that day, every time any one genuinely needs my help, it will be available!


My uncle had once remarked, “It is the rats who are among the first to flee from a sinking ship. Never behave like a RAT!”


Vandana, my uncle, Martin Luther King Jr made me develop an attitude to stand by my friends when they are in difficulties. They made me realise the meaning of ‘Friendship’.


When things are going great guns, we will have a crowd with us. However, when things are challenging we will have only ‘true’ friends who will stand next to us.


More or less, we expect the world to say harsh things about us, to judge us. What we can never be prepared for is the silence of our friends. That baffles us.


‘Why are you not with me’ is the cry that emerges from deep within. Why are you silent? Whom to trust again? These questions torment us.


The onslaught of others never breaks the spirit, the silence of the friend does.


You can count on me and our organisation to be YOUR friend.


That’s our promise to you.


With love, prayers and best wishes,

Change your thoughts. Change your life.

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