Dearest Darling Friends,



I heard Steve Jobs say, “Make a dent in the Universe”. I was inspired to respond to his clarion call.



I remember reading, Indira Nooyi was asked by her mother, “When you grow up, what would you do, to change the world?” I visualized my mother asking me the same question. I had no answer. I was determined to find an answer.



I heard Prof Satyajit Majumdar of TISS say, “We teach social entrepreneurs not to chase an idea but to chase a problem. Your ideas must be a solution to ‘that’ problem.”



I believe, great parenting & great marriage is the solution not to one problem but to many problems in the world. Imagine, every child in the world gets great parenting. Imagine, every marriage is a great marriage. Now, imagine, with these factors in place, how would this world be? Interesting, isn’t it?



I shared my thoughts with a darling human being, Paresh Shah. His enthusiasm strengthened my conviction. He resigned from a well cushioned job at Infosys and we joined forces. Life School (Digital) was born. Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuu la lala la.



We genuinely believe these two factors – great parenting and great marriage – can change the world. We are giving this idea our 100% and so much more. This is our response to Steve Jobs clarion call to make a dent in the universe. We have decided to begin with ‘Wow Parenting’.



Parenting is such an intensely emotional journey for all ‘involved’ parents. We want to make this journey ‘fun’tastic for millions of parents as well as the children. We wish to discuss, guide, share and learn how to create a fantastic future generation.



The journey has begun and HOW! Will keep you updated…



By the way, if you are interested in being a part of this work, this project needs YOU. For details, just mail me at I will be grateful.



In the meanwhile, may you experience exceptional parenting joys and exuberant marriage moments.



With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,






Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.

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