You might think you want an expensive car, a fancy gadget, a huge house, or to be seen in the ‘right places’ with the ‘right people’ !



You might think that you want to be famous, to be awarded, to be recognised or to be wanted!


But I am telling you, you don’t.


What you want is respect and admiration! Sometimes you want to respect yourself and sometimes you want respect from other people. And you think that having the above few things will bring it to you.


It almost never does – especially from the people you want to be respected and admired by.


What does your experience say darling readers of LSM?


1. In the past, did you want to be respected for..


– what you wear?
– for who you are?
– the money you have?
– who you are pictured with?


2. Did it lead to inner conflicts or was it easy?


3. What did you sacrifice for that?


4. Was it worth it?


If you wish to share, I am here! Waiting!

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