Dearest Darling Friends,



1) Get married before 30 – when I am ready to create her.



2) Retire with $ 1 million – with loads of personal memories.



3) Become a CEO – an Inspiration.



4) Buy a house – build a home for the homeless.



5) Marry someone beautiful – with inner beauty.



6) Make my parents proud of how much I earn – happy I am.



7) Die luxuriously – fit and peacefully.



We conduct a 5 day workshop called “Lets Explore”. The purpose of this workshop is to redesign life.



We just completed our Batch 105 with “Lets Explore”. Today morning, one participant Shubham, sent me this.



It has completely moved me. I have not been able to stop smiling since then. Just thought, it is worth sharing with my ‘LSM’ friends. Maybe it will help you to reset some priorities. May, it will help you to redesign some of your goals. Maybe, you were just waiting for something like this.



Were you? Did this resonate with you? Would you like to reset some of your goals?



With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,






Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.



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