Dearest Darling Friends,






If you can’t jog, do 100 pushups.



If you can’t do 100 pushups, do 100 sit-ups.



If you can’t do 100 sit-ups, do 100 squats.



If you can’t do 100 squats, do 100 lunges.



If you can’t do 100 lunges…



Write 100 words.



If you can’t write 100 words, read 100 pages of any great book.



If you can’t read 100 pages of any great book, listen to 100 minutes of an audio book.



If you can’t listen to 100 minutes on an audio book…



Make a healthy breakfast like a sprout salad.



If you can’t make a healthy breakfast like a sprout salad, make a green smoothie.



If you can’t make a green smoothie, eat two fruits.



This list could go on and on…



Follow two steps now.



Step 1: You may substitute “run,” “write”, “listen”, “read” or “make” with any action…it does not matter



Step 2: You may substitute “100” with any number that works for you. 75, 50, 25… it does not matter.



What does matter is that YOU taking action. What matters is you doing that CONSISTENTLY.



The momentum will keep you going.



Make the choice to get up every day, to look at life with a smile and take massive action.



Our DESTINY begins the moment we ACT.



Start. I started. This summer, I traveled to Everest Base Camp. Enhanced my life and I am back.



Do let me know, what did you start!



What are you waiting for?



With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,






Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.



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