Dearest Darling Friends,


I believe this is the conviction of innumerable parents when they think about the future of their children. This essence has been beautifully captured by the movie Super 30. Sometimes with happiness, sometimes with admiration and sometimes on coming face to face with stark reality, I cried a few times as I watched this movie. With a lot of delight, I share with you, a few key parenting takeaways from this movie.


1. They made sacrifice look easy – What an amazing portrayal of Anand Kumar’s family – Makes me believe a family that respects each other, understands each other’s dreams, and laughs together, will surely create miracles. What an amazing relationship between the father, mother, and their sons! They made sacrifice look easy.


2. They believed in a bright future and worked for it – When the father says, “Still seeing the old calendar?”, it made me smile at his confidence on ‘LIFE’ and his delight on the changing times. He could have been a complaining father, struggling under the pressures of low income and high expenses. But, he is a do-gooder who just does not complain. His positivity and determination rubbed on to his son Anand Kumar who went on to create history.


3. They believed in supporting the child wholeheartedly – The father withdrew his entire pension. The mother sold her golden bangles. Even the brother emptied his purse completely. When the father said, “Now, the king’s child does not become a king; capable/deserving one becomes the king”, it made want to stand up and clap for him. It is fathers like these who give roots of character and the power of wings to the dreams of their children. That is exactly what Anand Kumar repeatedly told the poorest of poor kids who come to him to study and qualify for IITs. He made them dream. He broke their fears. He instilled in them resourcefulness. A great father nurtured the greatness in his son by the sheer power of his conviction and character. Uff! Too good.


4. Remember the sacrifices of your parents with deep gratitude– Towards the end of the movie, just before the results are declared, “He asks the kids to visualise their parents.” What a moment for me! What impact parents have in the life of the kids! Without the great father, who is a power house of humour and positivity, Anand Kumar wouldn’t be who he is. Without the simple, funny, supportive mother, it was impossible for Anand Kumar to pursue his mission. I guess that is why he wants the kids to remember the faces of their parents.This scene told me, ‘I should remember my parents in all moments of glory. Without their sacrifices, I would have amounted to ‘nothing’.” Goosebumps…


This LSM is not to promote Super 30. It is a salute to parents who choose selflessness as their path, no matter what is the personal price they need to pay. Hats off to Anand Kumar and his parents.


With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,




Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.


Life School Wow Parenting Keep Moving Movement

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