Dearest Darling Friends,

A faqir named Mekan Dada and his two companions Laliyo (a donkey) and Motiyo (a dog) lived in a small village near the desert in western India in the 18th century.

Every morning Mekan dada would send them both with an empty container on Laliyo’s back to the village. Some villagers would voluntarily fill the container with food grains.

Mekan dada would spend hours making Rotis from the collected grain. Then he would put the rotis in a box with two jugs filled with water on Laliyo’s back. Then, Motiyo would lead the donkey inside the desert but the faqir would stay back in the village.

The donkey and dog would walk for a couple hours, deep inside the desert. In those days many people would travel from one village to another and would have to pass the desert. They would quench their hunger and thirst from this anonymous offering and continue with their travels.

They never knew who sent the food. The faqir Mekan Dada would never know who received the offering. This invisible bond of love and gratitude nourished them all.

This story inspired me deeply. It has shown me to humbly bow down my head and regularly renounce ego if I truly wish to comprehend the majesty of God’s blessings.

Our life journey thus far has been possible only due to the blessings of countless such Mekan dada’s, Laliyo’s and Motiyo’s, who have nourished us in seen and unseen ways.

While I had the uncanny habit of remembering the glorious (so-called) deeds done to others, I so often conveniently forgot the Mekan Dadas, the Laliyo’s and the Motiyo’s whose deeds enabled me at all times.

This story transformed my life.

Do you wish to share a ‘life-transforming’ story? We would love to be inspired and would love to share it with all the readers too. Looking forward to reading from you.

With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,


Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.

Life School Wow Parenting Keep Moving Movement

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