Dearest Darling Friends,



We are constantly making judgments, forming opinions, interpreting events, weighing options, and making decisions. These together makes up our “belief box”.



This box contains everything that I believe to be true, false, right, wrong, possible, impossible, good, bad, threats, supports, value, waste, strong, weak and similar things.



This ‘belief box’ makes me, ME.



What is powering me are not my resources but my beliefs.



What is limiting me is not lack of resources but my beliefs.



Helen Keller said, “I seldom think about my limitations and they NEVER make me sad. Perhaps, there is just a touch of yearning at times but it is vague, like a breeze among flowers.” Wow! She believed her limitations are like a ‘breeze’. Exceptional isn’t it? She lived a great life. Her ‘belief box’ made all the difference.



Leonard Cohen writes…



Ring the bells



That can still ring



Forget in being the perfect offering



There is a crack in everything



That’s how the light gets in.



Do I believe, the crack makes a thing weak and incomplete and useless and good for nothing. Or, do I believe, thanks to the crack, enough light is filtering in and let me do something lovely with the light!



My belief makes me make light (pun intended) of the few rare, horrible, experiences. I remember the lessons but have chosen to forget the pain. My belief also makes me remember the so many incredible memories not once but again and again. I remember the joy and the details and repeat it in my mind as often as I can.



Let me describe one such moment with my son Neeraj when he was in the ICU battling for life. “I remember thinking how terrific it was for him to be alive for even a few days after his premature birth (at 7 months). I remember how much I loved this small bundle of joy whose entire body would fit in the palm of my hands. Incredible isn’t it? I remember a nurse playing devotional music at a very low volume on a cd player. I remember the whiff of air from the blower on my bald head. I guess it was a combination of everything – his battle, our dreams, the music, the air. In those few brief moments, everything just seemed to come together perfectly and I felt so happy. Happy, in an almost indestructible kind of a way.”



You too must be having such memories locked away in your ‘belief box’, don’t you? Do you remember them often? Do you keep them ‘fresh’?



It is these memories in the belief box that drives my life. I wish to filter the collected thoughts in my belief box with this quote of the great astronomer Carl Sagan, “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known”.



I believe, the words of Carl Sagan is not just about the world of the heavenly bodies, of the stars and the planets. I believe, the words of Carl Sagan is true for each one of us.



Ahaa! “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known”



This belief drives me in my work.



This belief drives me in my reading.



This belief drives me in my marriage.



This belief drives me in my parenting.



This belief drives me in my interaction with people.



This belief drives me all the time. Everywhere. With everyone. Everytime.



Have you ever wondered what have you filled your belief box with?



Would love to know your thoughts. Find me on the other side. Believe!



With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,






Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.



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