Dearest Darling Friends,



It takes a minute to tell a loved one what is amazing about them.



It takes a minute’s courage and face a fear that is holding you back.



It takes a minute to decide to set a big goal .



It takes a minute to drink a glass of water.



It takes a minute to read a good thought.



It takes a minute to write a ‘Thank you’ note.



It takes a minute to laugh out loud.



It takes a minute to appreciate a co-worker.



It takes a minute to get your emotions in control.



It takes a minute to motivate a person who needs it.



It takes a minute to embrace change.



It takes a minute to say sorry properly.



It takes a minute to clean your table.



It takes a minute to make a new choice that will lead to your best life.



It takes a minute to soak in the moment.



It’s your minutes that make your life. Make the most of them to make the most of your life.



Ah yes, it takes a minute to forward this life changing LSM to someone who needs it.



With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,






Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.



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